Friday, June 4, 2010

Six Months Later ....

Hard to believe it's been almost six months since I last bade au revoir to Paris. But then if you truly love Paris, you never really say goodbye. It just becomes part of you.

I always keep a little Paris with me through the food I cook, the clothes I wear, the books I read, the movies I watch -- and through my community of fellow Francophile bloggers.

All of this helps tide me over until the next time I see Paris. And there is always a next time.

I created this particular blog as a short-term effort to keep my friends up to date on my Christmas 2009 visit to Paris and as a resource guide for December travelers. However, the blogosphere being what it is, I receive numerous queries about visiting Paris other times of year. I have additional recommendations from other visits that I will be happy to share here as I think of them.

I also occasionally post Parisian -inspired musings, recipes, decorating projects, etc. on my regular lifestyle blog, "The House Where The Black Cat Lives" which is really about my life with cats -- tres Parisian in and of itself; Julia Child once wrote that Paris is a city of cats. I'll link here when I have an appropriate post.

Until then, a bientot!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Cathy - I'm so glad you're posting again on this blog. You can be sure I'll be stopping by ... and following you. I can't wait to read your new posts, as they come along.

    Have a wonderful weekend. I need to practice some French tonight...

    Au revoir!
